Top Secret Recipes Club
Unlock 8 recipes every month!
Monthly TSR Club
- Unlock 8 recipes each month (8 recipes x 79¢ = $6.32 value!)
- Early access to original new recipes by Todd for club members only.
- 1-2 all-new exclusive Top Secret Recipes released every week.
- Reduces the cost of each recipe to just 37¢ each, or 54% less. Find out How it Works.
*Charges renew automatically each month.
Annual TSR Club (Best Deal!)
per month
($23.88 annually)*
Save $19.16 vs. monthlyIncludes eight (8) 79¢ recipes of your choice each month!
- Unlock 8 recipes each month (8 recipes x 79¢ = $6.32 value!)
- Early access to original new recipes by Todd for club members only.
- 1 to 2 all-new exclusive Top Secret Recipes released every week.
- Reduces the cost of each recipe to just 24¢ each, or 70% less! Find out How it Works.
*Charges renew automatically each year.