Ratings and Reviews of Ruth's Chris Steak House Petite Filet Mignon Steak
By Todd Wilbur
Travis Hampton
Jan 23, 2020, 16:31
I have been cooking my ribeyes this way for the past three months. I have cooked around 15 steaks and the timing is essential. I recommend getting a good meat thermometer and checking the steaks when you think they are close. Individual ovens will cook the steaks differently. You will have to learn you own but the steaks are unbelievably juicy. Be careful taking the plates out. Most ceramic plates can handle the 500 degree oven but they cannot handle thermal shock, which is when you put the hot plates on a room temperature counter or stove top. They can break. I heat my plates on a baking sheet and take the whole thing out and put on the stove top.
Jan 10, 2018, 17:14
Cooking times are WAY to long. For rare, the way I like it, I would suggest 2-3 minutes per side. Med Rare 3-4 minutes. Anything more, you should get a burger at McDonalds.
Mar 6, 2013, 22:00
I have been making this for about 10 years now. The wife and I love this, and it is her usual request on those rare occasions we get to have a date night that allows us to stay home alone. This is by far the best tasting steak recipe I have ever had.
Shannon Poole
Nov 29, 2011, 22:00
Made this for the first time and it was amazing.