Jun 23, 2016, 22:00
I didn't read that part about cooking it...and I used Crystal hot sauce. I enjoyed it, it was good in a pinch!
Jul 22, 2015, 22:00
Best sauce ever! I made my own Arby's sandwich.
May 27, 2015, 22:00
Don Eret
May 26, 2015, 22:00
Todd,I think if you take a look at Phil's BBQ sauce from San Diego, you will find a very similar taste to the Arby's sauce.
May 24, 2015, 22:00
I want to try this but would like to know which brand of Ketchup is recommended. Some say it's great and some not. Ketchup brand my influence the flavor.
Mikey Hobs
Apr 14, 2015, 22:00
Flavor profile more complex than just onion, garlic, salt/pep, Tabasco. There are clove and faint nutmeg notes, possible cardamon/cinnamon. Someone mentioned allspice/pimento can be tried inI minimal amounts
Apr 8, 2015, 22:00
I added a pack on Onion soup mix and it worked out GREAT yummy
Mar 25, 2015, 22:00
I added a couple shakes of worcestershire and subbed Louisiana hot sauce for Tabasco. If you like it sweeter then sprinkle in a little brown sugar.
Nov 6, 2014, 22:00
I don't know what the other looneys are talking about this is just like the arbys sauce they put on your sandwich not that nasty old crap in the packs. Really Easy to make perfect recipe overall my husband really enjoyed this to and he is very picky
Jul 25, 2014, 22:00
This may not exactly be like Arby's sauce, but who knows what other chemicals they put in that stuff? (The preservatives alone probably add a bit of that flavor.) And for that matter, is the Arby's sauce from 25-30 years ago (the last time I could stomach their horrid fast food) the same as it is today? I had this recipe from one of Wilbur's original books, though, and I swore it had Worcestershire sauce in it. Nonetheless, it's like another review said--it'close!